Givex manual setup

20. jaanuar 2023

You can choose to offer customers Givex gift cards.

There are a few steps you must follow in order for Givex gift cards to work in Erply. You also must have a valid contract directly with Givex.

The Givex Integration consists of several parts:

Givex microservice

Givex plugin

Erply Givex module

Erply config parameters for additional settings

Givex installation 

Important notes:

Right now, Givex only works on Berlin POS.

The integration only works on the Retail view of the POS

Gift cards that will function as Givex gift cards must be  listed as a Regular gift card in the back office.

Givex microservice 

The Givex microservice must be installed and running on all devices. 

You can download the Givex microservices at the following links: 

 After the .exe file is downloaded start the installation process. The installation process has to be conducted under a user with Administrator rights. 

The installer will open. Fill in the IP addresses supplied by Givex  

Fill in the Givex application port number. 

Make sure the Givex microservice is running before you complete the following steps. You can check if it’s running by opening your device’s Task Manager or Activity Monitor and searching for the name. If it’s not running, reopen the file.

Givex plugin 

Right now, the Givex plugin only works on Berlin POS.

You’ll need a specific Givex plugin depending on your xxxx setup.

Contact to 

POS configuration

Plugin needed



FIS Global payment terminals

(formally WorldPay, Vantiv)

Follow steps below

Heartland-PAX  payment terminals

Follow steps below

Manual plugin setup

At the POS, click on the Setting button and select Payments configuration 

Click Givex settings.

 In the Givex Microservice section, enter the following link wss:// 

If nothing is added here, the plugin will use the default link.

Save when you are done.

Givex Module 

Contact and request the Givex module to be enabled on your account. 

Erply config parameters for additional settings 

 There are a few additional parameters that we can add to your Erply account to further customize Givex functionality.

Please contact if you’d like any of these enabled.

Parameter Name


givex_admin_id: “XX” 

Adds the “Adjust GIVEX balance” button to the POS that allows all users in the group “XX” to adjust a balance on a Givex card.


This button will only show up in the Retail view at the POS


Please inform customer support what user group you would like to use so that they could replace the “XX” with the correct user group ID. 

givex_enable_transfer: "1"

This parameter enables the user to use the Givex transfer button.

givex_use_pin: "1" 

This parameter enables the user to require a pin on a Givex card.

Givex installation

Once all of the following steps have been completed, download the following file:

Unzip the folder and overwrite the files in C:\Program Files\ERPLY Givex