If you use Berlin POS, an update to your antivirus software may cause you to run into issues with EPSI at the point of sale. This could result in issues opening the POS and connecting to peripherals.
Avast and AVG users appear to be running into this issue most frequently.
We’ll explain here what caused the issue and how to resolve it.
What caused this antivirus error?
Recent software updates caused antivirus programs to mistakenly think EPSI is infected with the IDP.Generic malware.
This is not the case! EPSI is (and will continue to be) a secure program that is safe to install on all devices.
How to resolve antivirus issues with EPSI on Berlin POS
Open your antivirus program and make an exception to the following file: updater-1.3.0.jar
In most programs, this can be done by:
Selecting the file in your antivirus software
Clicking “More options”
Creating an exception
After, we recommend updating your antivirus definitions. The most recent definitions no longer recognize updater-1.3.0.jar as a threat, which will prevent this issue from occurring in the future.
If updater-1.3.0.jar was deleted:
Open your antivirus’ chest and restore the file.
If updater-1.3.0.jar is not in your antivirus’ chest, you can redownload it here:
For additional help, check your antivirus support page on how to navigate the program’s virus chest: