Mikropalvelujen lataaminen ulkoisille laitteille

20. helmikuuta 2025

Devices that need External Devices Microservice

-ID card reader (full setup guide)

-Customer Display device (full setup guide)

-Scales (CAS type 5, CAS type 6, Dibal, Kern, OHAUS setup guides)

What Is Needed To Establish a Connection Between POS and External Devices?

  1. Make sure that the Installer App is installed on your local computer. If not, please refer to this ARTICLE.
  2. Go to the Erply onboarding Wizard
  3. Navigate to the Hardware -> Installer App -> (debug)Micro-service manager
  4. From the ADD NEW MICROSERVICE selection, choose Microservice of external devices and click Continue.
  5. On the microservice view click blue Install latest button. 
  6. Once microservice configuration is loaded, press “Start” button. 

Navigate to the POS page and press "services status" button Validate the “exdev-microservice" status - both icons should be orange


Once Installer App and microservice are installed and running you can proceed with configuring device with the POS.