Printing and Payment Terminal Microservice Setup

26. marraskuuta 2024

Setup the Printing for Barzil POS

Install the Installer App

In order to download and install the Installer App please refer to the following article

Install printing micro-service

From the Wizard, choose Hardware -> Installer App -> Micro-service Manager

After which it'll display Add new micro-service where you can choose printing-micro-service from the dropdown list

Press Continue

After that it'll display printing microservice configuration view. There is status “Not installed” on the red background.

Click on the Install latest (blue button)

Not the micro-service status is “Installed but stopped” on the yellow background

Click on the green Start button. Then Start button becomes Stop (yellow) and micro-service status is “Installed and running” on the green background.

Now the printing microservice is running and you can proceed with printer configuration.

Integrating the Receipt Printer

In the Wizard navigate to the Hardware -> Integrations and choose if you want to connect the printer to the company, warehouse or POS(cash register). 

Select needed company, warehouse or POS from the dropdown list

Click on the Printer

Press Continue

Choose Golang printing micro-service and press on the slider to activate the setting (should become blue). 

Afterwards click on the Golang printing micro-service row.

Check the Get full printer list box and choose the correct printer. After that, press Save.

Perform connection test

Navigate to the POS
Login with Erply credentials (client code, username, password)
In order to test the printing is properly configured and working please make a test sale. In the end of transaction when the Finish Sale popup appears click on the Print button


Also the receipt printing can be tested by printing an existing receipt in the Recent Sales

Click on the Recent Sales POS grid button

Choose any sale and click on the “paper and printer” button


Setup the Payment integration for Barzil POS

To integrate the payment terminal to Brazil POS, make sure that the terminal is in the same network as the computer is!!!

Enabled the Payment integration

From the Wizard, choose Hardware -> Installer App -> Micro-service Manager

After which it'll display ADD NEW MICRO-SERVICE where you can choose needed payment integration (if there is no integration that you need check it from UPDATE EXISTING MICRO-SERVICE)

Once payment integration is selected - press Continue

After that it'll display printing microservice configuration view. There is status “Not installed” on the red background.

Click on the Install latest (blue button)

Not the micro-service status is “Installed but stopped” on the yellow background

Click on the green Start button. Then Start button becomes Stop (yellow) and micro-service status is “Installed and running” on the green background.

Now the printing microservice is running and you can proceed with printer configuration!

Integrating the Payment terminal

In the Wizard naviagte to the Hardware -> Integrations and choose the category POS

Select a POS from the dropdown list

Click on the Payment Terminal

Press Continue

Under the Available integrations for POS level, choose needed payment integration

If the needed payment micro-service is not displayed there then select it from the “Add New Integration” list:

Click Add

Then the payment terminal configuration view is opened.

Fill all the fields in this view and press Save.

Configure payment integration in the Brazil POS

When you've finished setting up in Wizard, navigate to the Brazil POS
Click on the cog button from the POS menu bar.

The POS Settings are opened. Naviagate to the Payment configuration -> Setup Payment gateways and check if needed payment integration is selected (if not please select it from the Select current integration dropdown list).

Check that Allow fallback to external integration box is ticked (if not please check it!). More information about this option is available here.

Make sure that other payment integration fields are filled. If yes, please Save configuration.

Just in case, refresh the POS page

Lat's do a test sale using a card payment in order to make sure that the payment micro-service is running and a payment terminal is properly configured and connected with a POS.

Updating Printing and Payment terminal microservice

From the Wizard, navigate to the Hardware -> Installer App -> Micro-service Manager, after which you'll choose the microservice you'd like to update from the Update existing micro-service dropdown menu. 
Once microservice is selected press Continue.
Status of the microservice is “Installed and started” on the green backround.

In order to update the microservice, click on the Update to latest button

Refresh the Wizard page

Go back to the POS page and refresh it!

Check on the integrations button in the POS menu bar (three vertical cables). This button should be green - it means that all installed mircoservices are running properly!

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a Star TSP143iii printer connected to my iPad. I am using the Point of Sale App and I have selected printing by wrapper. Why am I getting the fonts printed small?

Please make sure you are using a setup with 48 characters per line and paper size 3 inches. You can check these settings in Wizard.

Why do I get "Unable to fetch printer options from printing-microservice" message when I am trying to set up go microservice printing in Erply Wizard?

This message is displayed when you have printing-microservice installed in your device, but it's not running. You can fix it with just starting the microservice (pressing the green "start" button).

How do I know how many characters per line should I configure?

At the moment, there is no "test print feature" in Erply Wizard, but you can test the prinout and characters per line when pasting this command into your web browser:

Is it possible to configure merhcant and customer receipt?

Merchant and customer receipt configuration is meant for payment integrations that are using POS receipt printer for printing out terminal receipts. In these occasions it is possible to configure the terminal receipt through the Wizard.

What is legacy printing in Brazil POS?

Legacy printing is an initial printing solution that was used before patchscript templates were implemented in Brazil POS. This solution won't be supported in the newer releases of Brazil POS.
Legacy printing doesn't support different templates and it is not possible to add a logo on these templates.