Linkpos Setup Guide

August 28, 2023

Install the Linkpos microservice from Hardware -> Installer App -> Micro-service Manager and start the service after installation.
Navigate to Integrations and select the POS you want to integrate the terminal.

Click on Payment terminal and continue. Select Linkpos from the dropdown and click Add.
Select the linkpos integration as current from the list and click on it

Now if the terminal has been properly connected to PC and Ethernet, the terminal COM port should be visible from the Device manager.
Mark down the COM port of the terminal to integration settings, everything else can stay the same.
Click Save and the setup is done for the terminal.

In order to establish a connection between the POS and Linkpos terminal, microservice has to be installed and configured:

  1. Visit Erply Wizard for installing the microservice
  2. Click on Hardware → Installer App → Micro-service management → Select Linkpos from "Add New Micro-Service" and continue → Click Install Latest
  3. After installion click on green "Start" button
  4. In Erply Wizard go to Installer App → Integrations → Choose POS you want to configure with Payment Terminal and click continue → Click on Linkpos
  5. Fill Device timeout, Port name, Baud rate, Data bits, Stop bits, Parity Mode, Inter char timeout fields & enable Data Bits checkbox
    1. LinkPos Credentials can be found from Device Manager
  6. Go to POS → Settings → Payment Configuration → Setup Payment Gateways → Select Linkpos and save.
  7. Initialize the payment from POS and Terminal will receive the payment.

Known supported devices: MOVE/3500 + iPP315