How to install and use EFSTA Integration

June 10, 2024

Official documentation:


Erply offers an integration to the EFSTA solution to stay in compliance with the EU POS fiscalization requirements. The Erply POS integrates particularly with EFSTA’s Electronic Fiscal Registers (EFR) and helps meet the requirements of countries such as Germany, Austria*, France*, and Italy*.
*These countries' integration is still in progress

How to Install EFR

Install the EFR Application

Head over to the link and look for the country of integration you are planning on using the integration for. Depending on whether you will be running EFR on Windows or Linux and the CPU architecture of your machine, download and install the proper version. Use the known installation method for your device and perform a default installation.

In this example, we downloaded and installed the Windows x64 version for Germany.

Configure EFR

Head over to the EFR local server configuration at localhost:5618 using a web browser and follow EFSTA guides to input your credentials and make sure the server is running.

If you need help at this stage of the configuration, please refer to the EFSTA documentation and support.

How to Set up EFSTA on Erply

Make sure the installer is installed

Follow instructions here.

Install the EFSTA microservice

Login to if you have not.
Go to Hardware → Installer App → Micro-service Manager

Under the drop down ADD NEW MICRO-SERVICE select efsta-fiscal-proxy and click Continue.

Click Install latest and Start to run the microservice.

Configure taxes in Back Office

Before being able to pull taxes at the POS, these taxes need to be matched in the back office. Head over to, type in your Erply credentials and click Back Office. Then go to Settings → Set up tax rates.

Open each tax from the tax list, make sure the rates match what is configured in EFSTA, and then use the Corresponding tax code in accounting software field to match those taxes to the way they are configured in EFSTA. For instance, in the screenshot below, the 10.7% tax is matches to the “code” C in EFSTA.

Once the matching is completed for all taxes, head over the POS.

Configure in Brazil POS

In the POS, navigate to Settings → Plugins to enable the EFSTA plugin.
Scroll down to EFSTA Fiscal Integration and click Configure Plugin.

In this page select the “EFSTA Configuration” country from the dropdown.

You will see the matching that took place in the back office for taxes as they occur in EFSTA and taxes as they occur in Erply. Any taxes in red means either they are not properly matched or they do not correspond to any matching on either EFSTA or Erply. Make sure to review these matchings and correct them as needed from the back office.


Now tax EFR credentials are introduced, the server is started, the back office taxes are matched, and the POS plugin is enabled, the integrations should be working and sales will be recorded both in Erply and EFSTA servers.