Auto Close Checkout Confirmation Window

March 19, 2024

In the Brazil POS, at the end of a transaction, the confirmation window will appear. Here, the cashier is able to see some transaction information, send the receipt to multiple email addresses, immediately start a new sale, confirm that the current sale has successfully finalized, or print a receipt.

This window has many useful and necessary functions, but they are not in demand for every client.

If you would like the confirmation window to be automatically closed at the end of the finalized transaction, enable the Autoclose checkout confirmation window setting in POS Settings -> Configuration -> Printing.

If you would like to have the receipt printed automatically without opening the confirmation window, toggle the Disable by default print the receipt setting in POS Settings -> Configuration -> Printing. Then the confirmation window will be closed automatically and the receipt will be printed.

Disable this setting to have the confirmation window automatically closed and receipt will not be printed at the end of the transaction.

If the Auto close checkout confirmation window setting is disabled, the Disable by default print the receipt setting will be enabled by default and the user will be unable to disable in this case.