This plugin allows users to write off products at the POS.
Create reason code in Back Office
Navigate to the Back Office -> Settings -> Configuration.
From left side panel search for the “Reason codes” and click on it.
Click on the “New+” button on the upper right corner.
Fill all the fields: code(can be any), name(can be any), type(leave blanc), select purpose(Inventory write-off).
Save changes.
More information regarding inventory write-off can be found HERE.
Enable plugin in the POS
To enable this plugin you have to go to POS Settings -> Plugins, search for Inventory Write-Off and tick the checkbox.
How To Use the Plugin at the POS
Add product or products to the shopping cart.
Click on the ‘Inventory Write-Off’ POS grid button (among option buttons).
In a popup select ‘reason code’ and add commnets if needed.
Click ‘Confirm’.
More about Inventory Write-Offs can be found here.