PAX Heartland - POS Web App setup

July 26, 2023

In order to establish a connection between the POS and PAX terminal, microservice has to be installed and configured

  1. Visit Erply Wizard for installing the microservice 
  2. Click on Hardware → Installer App → Micro-service management → Select PAX Heartland from "Add New Micro-Service" and continue → Click Install Latest
  3. After installation click on green "Start" button
  4. In Erply Wizard go to Installer App → Integrations → Choose POS you want to configure with Payment Terminal and click continue → Click on PAX
  5. Fill Device IP, Device Port & Device timeout fields
  6. Device IP can be found from terminal.
    1. PAX S300 TERMINAL
      1. To access the menu on the terminal press Func + “1” buttons
      2. The default password is today's date (displayed on the terminal, format: MMDDYYYY)
      3. To get the device IP address navigate in the menu to “Communication” -> “LAN Parameters” -> “IP Address”
    2. PAX D210 Terminal
      1. Press menu button
      2. Type 1 as password (or password set by you)
  7. Go to POS → Settings → Payment Configuration → Setup Payment Gateways → Select PAX-Heartland and save.
  8. Initialize the payment from PoS and Terminal will receive the payment.
  9. If the connection does not succeed, the connection protocol might be incorrect:
    1. To change the protocol navigate in the terminal menu to “Communication” -> “ECR. Comm Type” -> “Ethernet” -> Press OK on the port screen -> Select suitable protocol
      1. When using the web integration the protocol must be set to HTTP GET in the terminal settings.
      2. When using the wrapper integration the protocol must be set to TCP/IP in the terminal settings.