Notification component for Brazil POS

May 8, 2024

The notification component was made in order to hide POS alerts and gather them in one place.

If too many errors are dispatched at a time, they no longer queue up and stack on the screen, but rather the latest/most relevant error is displayed and the rest are added to notifications as ‘unread’ messages. 

This feature is enabled by default for everyone. 

There is a new button added in the POS menu bar (bell button):


A few facts you have to know about the notifications component:

  • Up to 200 notifications can be kept at a time.
  • Notifications are cleared per logout
  • Messages can be 'read' and 'unread' to help the user to manage alerts in the notifications modal:


In order to move the ‘unread’ notifications to ‘read’ you need to click ‘open envelope’ button in front of the alert:


If you need to move all of ‘unread’ alerts to ‘read’ use the green ‘read all’ button:


Also it is possible to move the alert from ‘read’ to ‘unread’ in order to review it later. Click on the ‘All’ tab and click on the ‘envelope’ button in front of the alert:


Above each alert in the list you are able to see the time when this particular alert has occurred.