Sale Notes

April 30, 2024

In Brazil POS it is possible to set notes for sales. The user can have up to 3 rows of notes. If the title was entered into at least one field, the notes option is already enabled.

The option can be enabled by going to POS Settings -> Configuration -> Sale section -> Sale notes.

Tick the “Required” checkbox to make the current note field mandatory. 
The user will be required to enter values to the current required field in the popup or they won't be able to proceed with payment and successfully finalise the transaction. 
The mandatory fields will be marked in the popup with the sign “ * “ and the “Done” button will be grayed out until required fields are filled out.

Once the green Pay button is clicked the user will get a popup where they will be able to enter the notes: 


Entered notes are displayed on the POS Receipt and can be seen on the Back Office sale document in the “Additional text printed on the invoice”.