How to setup PosPlus fiscal provider for Sweden

August 19, 2021

In order to use Erply Berlin POS in Sweden the following steps need to be taken:
 - Set up and configure the PosPlus blackbox
 - Install the following plugins through Plugins Manager:

  • Sweden X Raport

  • Sweden Z Raport

  • Sweden Patch

Step-by-step guide

  1. Install necessary serial drivers provided by your fiscal provider.

  2. Connect the PosPlus control unit to the computer.

  3. Go into Device Manager (Start -> right click Computer -> manage).

  4. In Device Manager open up Ports (COM & LPT) and find your device's COM port number to which it is connected to. The window should
    look like the following:


5. Install the PosPlus Proxy Server with the accompanied installer provided by your fiscal provider (either 32-bit or 64-bit depending on your architecture. The first window should look like the following:



6. In the next window you will be prompted to configure the address where the software is going to run. You can leave it with default values like the following (posplus://

7. After the installation you can check to see if the service is up and running in windows services. You can open services by clicking on the windows icon and typing in "Services" to search for it. The Image should look like the following:

8. Next in order to make this service available for other computers working in the same network you have to add a rule into your firewalls inbound rules. Open up your firewall and go into advanced settings:

9. Now go to "Inbound rules" and then click "New rule..."

10. In the Rule Type window select Port and click next:

11. In Protocol and Ports window select TCP as the protocol and in ports section select Specific Local Ports if not already selected. In the input field type the port that you specified during the server installation, in our current example it was 43434:



12. In the Action window choose Allow the connection:




13. In the Profile window you will probably have to select Domain and private:

14. In the Name window you can specify a Name for the rule of your own choosing and you can also give it a description so you know what it is for.

15. If your Systems administrator has their own way of adding firewall rules or some specific flow for it then consult your Systems administrator first. The key aspect is that the port your server is using must allow traffic in from other computers on the same network in order to achieve a scenario where multiple computers can use the same fiscal control unit.

16. Now with the software and firewall configured we need to configure the fiscal provider for EPSI.

EPSI reads file from %appdata%\ERPLY\Service directory for deciding how to connect to PosPlus fiscal control unit.



The IP of the server is going to be the IP address of the computer where the service is actually running and the port is going to be the port specified in the service installation (in our example it was 43434). Here is a sample of the configuration file:



17. Now the final step is to actually select the fiscal provider in Berlin POS. Go into settings -> External Device Integrations


18. Once in External Device Integrations scroll down until you see Fiscal Settings. There from the provider list select posplus and click save. Then close all the settings windows and everything is ready.


19. A good way of testing if everything is up and running is to do a simple cash sale. If the document gets saved then everything should be fine. A guaranteed way of getting a fiscal exception is adding an item in the document with amount -1 and then another item with positive amount. This will cause an exception to be thrown and the document will not get saved because fiscal integration does not support both SALE and RETURN in one transaction. A screenshot of the exception:



Plugins Manager


In Plugins Manager install the following plugins to each account that you will be using:

  • Sweden X Raport

  • Sweden Z Raport

  • Sweden Patch