Change codes in Purchase Orders

December 8, 2022

This guide explains how to change the ”Code” field on a Purchase Order printout. Please be advised this does not edit the PO itself, only a printout.

The Code field can be changed to any of the following:

Company’s own code

UPC barcode number

Code 3

Manufacturer code

In the back office, navigate to the Settings module and select Configuration.

Scroll down to the Purchase Orders and Purchase Invoices section and locate the dropdown box under “On purchase orders and purchase invoices, show

Click on the dropdown and select your preferred option:

Company’s own code

UPC barcode number

Code 3

Manufacturer code

Save when you are done.

Now, when you Print a purchase order or invoice, your newly selected item will appear in the Code field. Please note that, no matter what option you selected, the column header will still state “Code”