Minimum rights required to make a sale

January 4, 2023

This guide covers:
Minimum user group settings required to make a sale
How to make a user group with minimum rights to make a sale
How to add a user into a user group, and how to grant them access to a specific store location.

Minimum user group settings required to make a sale

Below are the minimum user group settings required to make a sale:

All settings should be left blank or unchecked, except for the following:

This user group can access section:

POS: Checked off
Other apps: Checked off
API: Checked off

Main Modules section:

Customers: View: All Add: Checked off Edit: Added by myself

Reports: Checked off

Invoices: View: All Add: Checked off Edit: Added by myself

Payments: View: All Add: Checked off Edit: Added by myself

Product catalog: View: All Edit: Added by myself

Locations: View: All

Registers: View: All 

Employees: View: All

Create a user group with rights to make a sale

First, you must make a new User Group where your minimum rights employees will be placed.
In the back office, navigate to the Settings module and select User groups.

Click New to create a new user group.

From here, you can name the user group and define its levels of access. Ensure POS, Other apps, and API are checked off. This ensures users in this group can access the point of sale.

If needed, you can define additional user rights for specific back office actions in the Main Module section as noted above. Save your user group when you’re done.


Need to add a new employee? Check out our guides on adding an employee and creating a user to ensure they can make minimum sales.
Using these steps, you can add the new employee into your new user group.

Granting employees rights to make a sale

Click the Settings module and select Users.

Click on the user that you want to grant access to make a sale. Find the User groups field and select your newly created user group.

Scroll down to the User information section. Be sure to check off boxes next to every store location you’d like that employee to have POS access to.  

Press the Save button to save these changes.

To review those settings, log into the POS as this user and see if they are able to make a test sale.