Configuring External Card Payments

March 18, 2024

On this page

You can use External Integration if you wish to use it separately from the cash register. 
You can set it up to differentiate between the types of payment cards used.


Open POS Settings -> Payment configuration -> Setup Payment gateways. From the list, choose External Integration.

The next step is to configure those external card types used.
Go to POS Settings -> Configuration -> Payment. The names for each type, separated with commas, can be added Into the field External card Types

Note: please do not use the “card” name for external card payments. Otherwise this can lead to discrepancies on “end of the day” reports.

How to Use

When adding products to the shopping cart and heading to pay, you can choose card payment as the payment method.
This opens a window with the card types that were added before.

You can add an authorization code if you wish, but this is not necessary. We can also confirm the transaction by leaving it blank and clicking on the green button (transaction success).

To make an authorization code as mandatory step, navigate to POS settings -> Configuration -> Payment -> Require auth code on card payments and activate the setting.