Adyen account in Adyen platform
Before setting up the Adyen microservice in the Wizard make sure that you have created an Adyen account and Adyen device is registered there. If not please follow this article.
Install the Installer App
Here you can find the Installer App installation guide. If you already have it installed, please skip this step.
Setting up Adyen microservice in the Wizard
In order to establish a connection between the PoS and Adyen terminal we need to install the microservice and configure the service to use the specific terminal.
Visit Erply Wizard to install the microservice:
Navigate to the Hardware -> Installer App -> Microservice Manager.
Select “Adyen" from the dropdown.
Click Continue.

Click Install Latest
Once the microservice is installed, go to Hardware -> Integrations.
Select POS level and pick the POS you want to configure the terminal for.
Click on the Payment Terminal.
Click Continue.
Select Adyen as integration type, click Add
PS: if there is no “Adyen” in the list please check it below in the “Available Integrations for POS level” and click ‘select’ button

Once the integration was selected the Wizard will direct the user to the microservice configuration:

Fill out the following fields, with information provided by the terminal provider:
- “API Key” field according to your Adyen API key;
- “Terminal Key Identifier” field according to your Terminal Key identifier;
- “Terminal Key passphrase” field according to your Terminal key passphrase;
- “Terminal key version” field according to your Terminal key version;
- “Region” field according to your Region
- “Terminal ID” field according to your Terminal ID. Check the terminal’s information with the IP address:
- P400 (series) - press 5 and then OK [5->OK];
- S1F2L model - go to terminal Settings -> enter the password -> find Device info -> scroll o the IP address
- “Terminal IP Address” field according to your Terminal IP(note: this is optional - needed for Local connection);
- “Check the status of terminal before operation” field - this will perform diagnostic request before each financial request - this is recommended to be turned on;
- “Connection type” field according to your desired connection type - cloud is connecting to terminal via cloud - therefore no terminal IP needed, if you use local it will connect to terminal using local network. Cloud, local means that first it will try to connect via cloud and using local as backup connection;
- “Print receipt from POS general printer” - if you have terminal without printer or for some reason you don’t to print terminal receipts from terminal - use this setting to print Adyen receipts from general receipt printer.
Once everything has been configured click Save.
Setting up Adyen microservice in the POS
Navigate to the Brazil POS and login with your Erply credentials.
Then go the POS Settings -> Payment Configuration -> Setup Payment gateways
Select current integration: Adyen
Check the terminal information. Make sure that all required fields are filled!
If the terminal information corresponds to configuration from the Wizard click Save.

Please make a test sale in order to make sure that the terminal is properly configured and works with your POS system.
How to check additional information on the adyen terminal?
- To see the terminal’s information with the IP address, press 5 and then OK [5->OK].
- To see Payment menu, press 8 and then OK [8->OK].
- To access the terminal’s Administrative menu, press 9 and then OK [9->OK]. Enter PIN code and press OK to continue [code->OK].
- To access network, press 9 and then OK [9->OK]. Select Network and enter PIN code.
Pay with Adyen
Add products into the shopping cart.
Hit Pay.
Select card payment - the payment row is added with Adyen integration:

Click ‘green checkmark’ to finalize the payment.
Cancel the payment
Removing the payment card during the payment processing
In this case the POS will show the following message in payment window:
“Current payment status: APPROVED 127 Card declined online result”

Here you can decide:
- “Close” to return back to the payment screen.
- “Retry Payment” to send another payment attempt to the terminal.
Cancelling the payment in POS payment window
If you close the payment processing window and payment has been already approved, the POS will return back to the payment window. You may see that sale has been already paid by card:

You can cancel the payment clicking on the ‘red cross’ button below or just close the payment window:

Afterwards the POS will give you a “Closing payment window” popup with message “Payment plan contains handled payments which will be automatically voided”. There you can choose:
- “Cancel” - return to the payment screen
- “OK” - cancel the payment and return funds back to the client card.
In case you will press “OK” button the POS will start voiding the payment and you will see the following screen:

Voiding payments
In case there were multiple card payments applied, one of them was successful, the second one has failed for some reason or the client would like to cancel the payment at all, there is a possibility to void those payments that have already been approved.
In order to void payments please click on the red cross button or close the payment window.

Afterwards the POS will give you a “Closing payment window” popup with message “Payment plan contains handled payments which will be automatically voided”. There you can choose:
- “Cancel” - return to the payment screen
- “OK” - cancel the payment and return funds back to the client card.

In case you will press “OK” button the POS will start voiding approved payments and you will see the following screen:

Return with Adyen
Referenced return (return based on receipt)
In order to start the return for sale that was paid by card with Adyen integration, you need to find the sale in the POS using the receipt number. It can be found under the red “Return” button or in Recent Sales.
Once receipt has found select products, apply reason codes if it is required and click Save.
Hit Pay.
In the payment window you will see the initial card payment on the right side and automatically applied return payment on the left side:

In case you would like to refund money to the same card, please click on the ‘green checkmark’.
In case you would like to change the return payment method please click on the automatically applied return payment method

and then green OK button on the left side numpad:

Afterwards apply another return payment method and finalize the return.
Note: If the payment method is not automatically selected and you would like to make a refund to the client card, that document was paid with, click on the original payment method on the right side.
Unreferenced return (return without the receipt)
Add needed products to the POS shopping cart.
Set a negative quantity for products.
Select the return reason if it is required.
Hit Pay.
Select the card payment method.

Finalize the payment by clicking on the ‘green checkmark’.
You will see the “refunding purchase” process in the POS payment window:

Once the amount appears on the terminal screen the client should insert his/her payment card into the terminal.
Close day with Adyen
The “Sync batch to day openings” in the Payment configuration -> Setup payment gateways -> Adyen:
- if enabled - while closing the day in the POS, day is also closed on the terminal and all the payments are sent to the bank automatically.
- if the setting is disabled, you need to close the day in the POS and terminal separately.
Frequently asked questions
I am unable to finalize the sale with Adyen integration. I got the followinf error in the POS payment window. What should I do?
“Terminal connection is not OK! Terminal conncetion error: diagnosis operation error: request, communication error: request error: raw request, server error: Unautorized. The request has not been applied because it lacks valid authentication credentials for the target resource.”

The error on the picture above is telling that Adyen API key is wrong or invalid.
The first thing you can do is to recheck provided you API key.
In case it still does not work and API key is the same as was provided, please contact ERPLY support.