External Credit Card Payments (no integration)

April 15, 2024

Also known as "External integration" or previously "standalone terminal"

This setup is intended for processing card payment outside Erply and then manually input in the POS the amount that was paid, and a transaction code if applicable. With this setup, the user is responsible for reporting the amount to pay displayed by the POS, on the card processor solution.

External integration as main card payment solution

1. Enabling External integration

Open POS settings and select “Payment Configuration”

Under “Setup Payment Gateways”, select “External Integration” and click on “Update”

Note: The integration is set per register!

2. Enabling card payments

Just like for payment provider integrations, card needs to be allowed as a tender for sales and returns as applicable, under ‘Payment Configuration’ -> ‘Allowed tenders’

Note: Tender options are set for the whole company and affect all locations and registers!

3. Configuring External integration

Under the POS settings -> Configuration -> Payment, there are 2 options available regarding external integration / standalone card payments:

  • Require card type on external device
    When making a card payment, the POS user must select a card type (typically, Visa, Mastercard, etc…) before being able to confirm the payment.
  • Require auth code on card payments
    When making a card payment, the POS user must enter a value in the “auth code” field before being able to confirm the payment. 
    Such authorization codes are usually returned by the credit card machine and allow later to cross reference payments records between Erply and the external payment solution.

Setting up card types

When requiring the card type with External integration, you need to set in Erply POS the card type options the user will select from.

Under POS settings -> Configuration -> Payment has a field to enter external card types. The case will be respected on the payments records and reflected on payments and Z reports.

Card types must be delimited by commas.

External card payment as fallback to an integration

When setting up an integration with a card payment solution, you have the option to allow fallback to external payment.

This means that if the integration with the merchant solution were to fail, you will have the option to complete the payment in Erply POS as if it were a standalone payment (meaning you will have to report the card type and authorization code from the merchant solution manually).

Enabling fallback to external integration

Under the POS settings -> Payment Configuration -> “Setup Payment Gateways”, every integration option has a checkbox to enable fallback to external integration.

Finishing a payment with external integration when a payment integration fails

When an integrated payment request fails, the POS reports an error.

In order to finish the sale manually, click red “close” button to go back to the payment screen:

On the payment screen, click on the name of the integration that just fail, on the tender row that you want to process manually:

This will switch to “External”:


Click on the green checkmark (or F8 on the keyboard) to confirm the payment as usual.

It will now go throw the same workflow as the External Integration / standalone payment, and follow the options set in “Configuration” regarding requesting card type and authorization code.

Select card type:

Enter authentication code:

Conform transaction and click the “Transaction success”: