Point of Sale

Brazil POS Overview

March 18, 2024


Brazil POS has two environments that are available for the end users: production and sandbox. That gives the POS users an opportunity to test upcoming software updates and new features.

Brazil POS production environment is available via https://epos.erply.com 

Brazil POS sandbox environment is available via https://pos-sb.erply.com

*In order to use integrated hardware devices, open Erply Onboarding Wizard and download the installer app and relevant microservices. Read more about installer app here and take a look at the compatible hardware list for Brazil POS.

Brazil POS doesn't need Java and uses microservices instead of EPSI. 

Brazil POS has improved core solutions that are easily managed in the configuration settings panel.

Brazil POS uses new refined APIs. Learn more about Erply API here.

Brazil POS has improved offline capabilities by allowing locally store full product database when internet connection drops.

Brazil POS has ultra fast product sync allowing customisation for the end user – sorting products by names, codes, ID-s, allowing fuzzy search, etc.

Brazil POS has automated notification system making possible to collect data where it happens.

Brazil POS introduces new and more flexible return features.

Brazil POS has a new customisable customer display solution improving the instore experience and allowing advertising materials to be shown.

Brazil POS is easy to translate into your local language. Download the language pack and get it translated.


Here are some functions that our new POS offers

Customize your receipt in POS Debug 
In debug you can open Schema editor to customize your customer receipt.

Copy the schema to another POS 
Configure the recipt in one Register and copy that to your other POS’s.

Add Plugins to your POS yourself
Plugins for your Register are just one click away „CONFIGURE PLUGIN”.

Add more space for your shopping cart
Split the view of POS to make the shopping cart field bigger.

Hide product groups
You can hide product groups that you don’t want to be visible in POS.

Color product groups to stand out
You can now color the product group buttons to make them stand out.

Open an Invoice in POS
Complete the Invoice by proceeding the payment in POS.

Manage Inventory Transfers in POS
You can now send out stock and receive it through the Register.

Information about specific POS buttons
Click on the i and read how to use this specific POS button and what it does.

*Contact the support today to make the transfer to Brazil POS - support@erply.com.