Scanning Configuration

November 14, 2024

Erply Brazil POS allows you to customize the search logic when scanning a barcode. You can define what records should be searched for a match, and based on what fields.

This guide covers the different settings available regarding scanning.

Accessing Scanning Configuration

From Brazil POS, open the Settings panel by clicking on the cog icon in the right side of the header.

Scanning Configuration is listed in the setting menu.

Configure scanning notifications

This configuration allows users to configure how the user should be notified about a scan that was done on a popup, which does not allow scanning without having a field focused.

In order to configure it navigate to the POS Settings -> Scanning configuration.

Find the “Show a notification, which disappears automatically”. There will be multiple options to choose one of them:

  • Show no indications
  • Show a notification, which requires manual dismissal
  • Show a notification, which disappears automatically
  • Show a popup

Once an option is selected do not forget to Save changes.

Failed Scanning

This option sets the action taken when a barcode scanned in the POS does not have a match in the system.

The POS will always dispatch a sound but in addition the POS can:

  • Show a warning in header.
  • Will show a popup, which will not allow the cashier to scan anything else.
  • Create new product or customer

Select your choice through the dropdown menu

Minimum Barcode Length

A number input from scanning a barcode can vary in length.

This setting allows to specify the minimum character length of a code for it to be used for a search.

Average Time (ms) Between 2 Chars

This setting defines the time expected to pass between two subsequent scans.

Wait Duration (ms) After Keypress Event To Check if Scanning Is Finished

This defines the delay between initiating a scan and performing a search. If 2 scans fit within this delay, they will be considered 1 same input.

Scanning Algorithm

Default Algorithm

By default the POS performs a search of an input scan in the following order:

  1. Look for a match within UPCs / EANs
  2. If no match is found: look for a match based on product code
  3. If no match is found: look for a match based on product name

If an alternative logic is desired, it can be implemented by defining steps and requests.

General Search Logic

For each search:

  • If one result is returned, it will be added to the shopping cart.
  • If multiple results are returned - a popup will be showed where the user can choose the correct item
  • If no result is found POS will go to the next step
  • If nothing has been returned after the last step, POS will show notification that no item has been found

Defining Search Steps

These are blocks of rules in your custom search logic.

The first step will be executed fully and the next step will be taken only if a match hasn’t been found when running through the first step.

Use the “Add search step” to create a step. An existing step can be edited, or deleted with the trash can icon.

For readability, you can collapse a step in the interface.

Defining Search Requests

Each search step can contain multiple search requests.

A search request can be performed on either:

  • Product records
  • Customer records

Product records can be searched based on either of the following rules:

  • searchNameIncrementally: similar to the search performed when typing in the product search field, the POS will return matches based on product code, EAN/UPC OR product name. Partial matches will also be returned
  • fullTextSearchPhrase: searches from product name, product code, EAN / UPC, code3, supplier code, code5, code6, code7, or code8.
  • Search for an exact match based on any of the following product fields:
    • name
    • code
    • code2 (UPC/EAN)
    • code3
    • supplierCode (Manufacturer code)
    • code5*
    • code6*
    • code7*
    • code8*

*Codes 5 to 8 are additional fields that can be added to an account on request. Contact Erply support for more information on the "Extra product codes" module.
To be considered an exact match, case, spacing and leading 0s must be respected.

Customer records can be searched based on either of the following rules:

  • searchNameIncrementally: similar to the search performed when typing in the customer search field, the POS will return matches based on name, phone number, card loyalty card number and email. Partial matches will also be returned.
    It also searches from company registry code / National ID but returns exact matches only.
  • searchCode: searches by customer loyalty card number and only returns exact matches
  • searchRegistryCode: searches by company registry code or person's national ID and only returns exact matches

Please make sure to click on the Save button at the top of the form before exiting the Scanning Configuration panel to save your changes.

Configure sound of scanning

POS application is able to make a sound while scanning. It is possible to configure it for different cases:

  • sound for product scan
  • sound for customer scan
  • ambiguous scan - when multiple results were found
  • failed scan

Where to configure sound of scanning?

Navigate to the Brazil POS -> Settings -> Debug -> Sound configuraton section.

Sound configuration 

Start configuring sounds:

  1. First you need to enable sounds - toggle the switch.
  2. In front of each case, on the right side, you can see the “-”. Click on it and select option “Built in sound library”.
  3. Select the tone of beep - low or high
  4. How many repeats should beep do?
  5. Configure a volume and tone of the sound. 
  6. There is a “Play” button next to the case - click on it and check how the configured beep sounds. 
  7. Save sound configuration.

Repeat same steps to configure sound for other scanning cases. 

Important to know

Scanning algorithm is only triggered when an unfocused scan is performed. If focusing the Customer search, the Scanning Algorithm will be ignored. Therefore there is no need to focus the Customer search field when using the scanner.