April 13, 2022
New Features
- New configuration setting "Do not reuse a number when a POS transaction is canceled or a sales document is deleted" has been added.
- New filter "Supplier" has been added to price list form.
- Actual Reports: fields "additionalCosts", "additionalCostsFormatted", "additionalCostsCurrency", "additionalCostsCurrencySymbol", "additionalCostsCurrencyRate", "additionalCostsCurrencyRateFormatted" have been added to purchase document printouts.
- Report generator: fields "Package Name", "Amount in package" and "Package Amount" have been added to purchase document rows.
- Assignments now support the same tax rules as the invoice form.
- Behavior of the filter "Status" in "Issued coupons" table has been changed. The filtering option "redeemed" now only includes redeemed coupons that have not expired yet.
- Fixed: when setting "Partial fulfilment splits sales order" was enabled, creating an invoice from a sales order created a follow-up order with incorrect status.
- Fixed: when making an invoice from a sales order, ERPLY incorrectly updated the status of the order.