Classic Back Office Version 4.55.0

April 13, 2022

April 13, 2022

New Features

  1. New configuration setting "Do not reuse a number when a POS transaction is canceled or a sales document is deleted" has been added.
  2. New filter "Supplier" has been added to price list form.
  3. Actual Reports: fields "additionalCosts", "additionalCostsFormatted", "additionalCostsCurrency", "additionalCostsCurrencySymbol", "additionalCostsCurrencyRate", "additionalCostsCurrencyRateFormatted" have been added to purchase document printouts.
  4. Report generator: fields "Package Name", "Amount in package" and "Package Amount" have been added to purchase document rows.


  1. Assignments now support the same tax rules as the invoice form.
  2. Behavior of the filter "Status" in "Issued coupons"  table has been changed. The filtering option "redeemed" now only includes redeemed coupons that have not expired yet.


  1. Fixed: when setting "Partial fulfilment splits sales order" was enabled, creating an invoice from a sales order created a follow-up order with incorrect status.
  2. Fixed: when making an invoice from a sales order, ERPLY incorrectly updated the status of the order.