Purchase return

May 25, 2022

Purchase return is required if it is necessary to return certain goods because the goods are defective or the supplier has made a mistake in the price. Purchase return is in the credit invoice in the purchase module. Therefore, the purchase return takes the goods out of the warehouse. It would be good if the purchase invoice is linked with the purchase return document because it will allow you to see better which goods were sent back.

In order to start a refund, you must open a purchase invoice for the products to be returned. Depending on the back office version press on F4 select create a return or more-> create a return.

The document that appears is called the refund and the quantities are with minus. Items that are not needed for return should be removed from the list by clicking on the x at the end of the line. Make sure that the quantities are negative. When everything is checked and correct, press confirm and the goods have left the Erply warehouse.

Why does the stock price of the product differ on the purchase return?

In Erply there isn't any exemption for returning the exact purchased products. Otherwise, this would not be possible because part of the purchased products may have already been sold.

Thus, a purchase refund, like any item leaving a warehouse, uses FIFO prices, that is, takes the oldest batch in stock and its stock price. In other words, the prices of storage items do not correspond to the prices written on the document.