Setup commissions at the Back Office
Setup commission by employee sales.
Setup commission by a product.
Assign commission at the POS
Create a shopping cart for the customer.
Click on the “sale commission” button in the POS grid.
Then it is time to decide whether the employee will receive a commission on the entire sale or only on a certain item.
In case of assigning commission for the entire sale click “all items” and select the employee who will receive the commission.
Then you need to confirm the assignment by clicking on the green button:
In case it is needed to assign a commission only for one certain product, click “single item”. Select the item from the dropdown list and select an employee who will get the commission. Confirm the assignment.
The second place where you can assign a commission separately by products is do it in the Product card:
Hide Product Commission at the POS
Current configuration prevents assigning commission to employees. When the configuration is enabled the assignment commission possibly will be hidden from the product information view.
In order to do that, please navigate to the POS Settings -> Configuration -> User Interface -> Miscellaneous -> Hide product commission.