POS Brazil Version 4.49.1

August 25, 2022

On this page


  • Restored custom translation plugin. The plugin was broken in 4.48.0 release.
  • POS styles from popups no longer leak into browser-rendered printouts
  • Applied number formatting for product row's originalPriceWithVAT for PatchScript
  • Offline requests no longer filter any documents that make it past the payment screen
  • Fix checkbox clipping in return screen with narrow screens when 'split left and right sections evenly' is enabled
  • Return reason popup no longer halts the process it is a part of
  • New setting that allows users to decide if the POS should show employees from other locations. Clock In/Out and Settings/Employees would filter employees based on it
  • Returning sales that included a TIP payments no longer pre-populate the Payment list with a payment that exceeds the return total
  • Serial gift card payments no longer get automatically selected on being added
  • Fix infinity loading for Multi-Account users when opening the POS
  • Removed employeeID from PAX Payment request payloads - allows the usage of PAX A35 terminal for all accounts
  • Prevent adding extra products in the cart after payment has already begun



  • W** customisation plugin - Fixed an issue where membership discount occasionally did not apply when membership product is added to cart and customer is not a member
  • W** customisation plugin - Added sale restrictions for suspended customers
  • W** customisation plugin - customer results are now shown in correct order