- Check date can now be in the future
- Customer specific payment deadline (days) is now applied to sale documents
- Coupons applied to the sale will only get redeemed if they end up being 'used'
- Fixed issue where Wrapper devices would experience white screen on app load with an older version of WebView installed
- Gift card balance modal now respects Back Office date format
- Actual Reports receipt using MicroService printing now prints multipage receipts as one long page
- Changes in Close Day workflow for differences between expected and counted totals
- If setting "Reason required" is unchecked, do not check for any differences or reasons when closing the day
- If setting "Reason required" is checked and "allowed difference" is set, check if difference is within allowed difference and if not - require reason.
- If allowed difference is not set (is empty) do not ask for reason even if difference is present.
- Close Day - Fixed a 0.01 mismatch between auto-populated counted amount and expected amount
- Validity period for a gift card will only be updated when creating it, not when redeeming it
- Pay button (&shortcut) can no longer be triggered multiple times in parallel or from under a different modal page like payment itself
- Paying an invoice will not fail now if container of any of products on the invoice-waybill has been changed since invoice-waybill creation
- Fix issue with discount names overriding each other in the shopping cart
- W** Customisation Plugin - Fix receipt printout to support unlimited number of promotions
- Customer Display
- Added ability to translate customer registration form
- Two new settings added to the Configuration Page - “Display app customisation/Settings”
- "Date format" which is either US or EU
- "Time format" which is either 24H or 12H
- Pergamont Fiscal Plugin - Added support for rounding to the fiscal integration