Setup ID card reader

April 24, 2024

In Brazil POS there is a possibility to register or find customers by reading ID cards. It is common mostly in Estonia. 

Here is to ways supported by Erply to read ID cards and register customers at the POS:

  • Card reader device
  • Terminal internal reader (if terminal itself has such functionality)

If you choose to use a terminal as a ID card reader, before starting, make sure that your chosen payment terminal has the functionality to read ID-cards activated.


1.Check the Installer App is running

Go to Erply Wizard and log into your Erply account.

Under Hardware -> Installer App -> Installation, make sure that the Installer App is installed and running:

If not, please install it using this article.

2.Install the Microservice

Navigate to POS Settings -> POS Onboarding Wizard and log in with your Erply credentials.

To start setting up the ID-Card reader on ERPLY's side, go to Hardware -> Installer App -> Micro-service Manager

Select the Microservice of External devices from ADD NEW MICRO-SERVICE list:

Note: if you do not see this microservice in this list, check it from the UPDATE EXISTING MICRO-SERVICE dropdown list, and select it from there

Click on the Continue button bellow:


If microservice is not installed yet then you will see the following view. Here you need to click the ‘Install latest’:


Click ‘Start’ button:

Now if you see the yellow button ‘Stop’ instead of previous ‘Start’ it means that microservice is running. If there is still 'Start' button try to click once more. If there is any error occured and ‘Stop’ button does not appear, then please contact Erply support. 

The view when the Microservice of External devices is enabled and running:

3.Configure ID card reader

In the Wizard navigate to the Hardware -> Installer App -> Integrations
Choose POS in the appeared window and click on ID Card.
Click Continue button below.

Under “Add New integration” select “Microservice of external devices” in the dropdown:

Click on “Add

After that, once the parameter window opens, choose the correct Smart Card type. There are two options: USB card reader and Swedbank terminal card reader.

If you select the USB card reader, then please set up this way:

If you plan to use the Swedbank terminal card reader, then set up this way:

Once that's all done and you've made sure the info is according to your wishes, click Save (green button below).

After that, go to the POS page ( and restart the page. Now try to enter an ID-card and see if the system finds an user with the card number or allows you to create a new customer.
Note: You should double check that under client's info, in both the customer loyalty card field and the National ID number, there is the customers National ID number. This allows the system to find the correct client.

My ID card reader is not working! What should I do?

Frequently Asked Questions

When opening the Wizard page, the page gives an error: "Supplied session key is invalid: session not found"
In that case, please click on "Log out" and log back in. This will refresh the session (key).

When opening the Wizard page, the page gives an error: "Installer not found"
This only shows when you're installing to a computer that has no Erply software installed. Please install the Installer software and try again. Here is the article how to install the Installer App and explains waht is that?