Improved mobile UI of login & customer summary for extra narrow devices
POS now maintains connection to “extdev microservice even” if the microservice is restarted or the endpoint changed, rather than needing a refresh
Products/customers can now be scanned from Coupons view
Duplicate customer creation plugin: Added support for company type customers
Clock in/out view: employees are now searchable
Payments of type CHANGE (cash withdrawal) now count as cash payments for the purpose of cash drawer opening
Unpaid invoices will not be displayed in recent sales
Fixed a visual bug that occurred when multiple manual promotions were added and removed - the old promotion was displayed even after it was removed
Fix for missing/invalid data on Z-Report/X-Report printout
Customer Display:
Show promotion view when user logs out
Support POS setting "Add products to end of shopping cart"
Added support for searching from middle of product's code to Stock & Price search
Added the ability to save "Allow fallback for external integration" and "Sync close batch" settings when editing "none" payment integration on the "Setup Payment Gateways" page
Fix for multiple products being added to shopping cart if user clicks into product search while product adding still in progress
Added validation for "Symbols that will wrap serial number" setting
SA translations: Replaced "Check" texts with "EFT"
Fixed an issue where user could clock into the same employee multiple times on the Clock In/Out page.
Fixed a bug that caused freshly saved addresses to have a "Cancel" button instead of "Delete" button when "Other addresses" form is reopened
POS is now always using the latest card payment data when handling card payments
Fixed an issue where temporary network connection loss caused discounted sale save without discounts resulting in unpaid invoice
Fixed an issue where on closing a day while using multi-currency module, all the currencies would use the total of the currency that the confirmation was opened from
Givex GiftCard Integration:
Show only the last Givex card on the Givex Balance menu
Disallowed returning Givex increment product without receipt based on the plugin configuration
Added auto-focus to Givex gift card form when paying for Increment product
Make inputs full width
Cayan Payment Integration:
Fix for multi card voiding fails if different card payments are used
Adyen Payment Integration:
More detailed feedback in payment screen for terminal diagnosis
Fixed an issue where POS would incorrectly process a successful response of Adyen's "testConnection" request
Save "Check terminal before operation” field properly
Fixed an issue where Mobile text would be ignored when searching customer via Advanced Customer Search. Added translations to the Advanced Customer Search results view
Fixed a bug that caused sending receipt of a finalized pending sale by email to fail
Fix for overflowing content in offers and pay an invoice view
Fixed an issue where serial number length would still be checked with respect to the configured condition despite the Serial Number related settings (title, length, condition) being disabled. Now, when the setting is disabled, serial number is checked to have a length of at least 1 symbol
Handle errors properly if requests to CAFA Configuration Store fail. Previously, if any requests to get configurations from CAFA failed, POS would not know what payment integration to use and would assume that no integrated payment processor was selected/configured. Now, if the requests for configurations fail, the POS user would be notified via a popup and will be able request the configurations again.
Version control redirect safety check is now based on a preflight request - can no longer be interrupted by refresh (but still please don't randomly refresh the POS while it's busy)Release Notes
Recent sales display returned documents. In Recent Sales menu, the "Return" button is hidden if a document is unpaid or if it has already been fully returned
Removed discount row that appeared when a product with weight is added to cart
Fixed an issue where MacOS users would experience crashes during payments while using an older version (13.1.2) of Safari
Fixed an issue where Voiding would fail for payments made via External Payment Integration
Fix receipt printout API - Now able to print other receipt types (gift receipt, bar, kitchen) using the microservice