POS Brazil Version 4.51.9

August 10, 2023

On this page


  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed an issue where after editing an employee, the user would get stuck on “Check if day is open”
    • "Allow price editing for exchanges and referenced returns" setting now correctly prevents the user from changing prices on returns/exchanges if setting is unchecked.
      The following is a description of cases with the setting UNCHECKED (price editing NOT allowed):
      During exchange or return with receipt: If price or discount was edited for either the return document's product or newly added product on the shopping cart row view, on pressing "Save" an error (Cannot modify referenced return rows - Setting 'Allow price editing for exchanges and referenced returns' is disabled.) will be shown.
      During exchange or return with receipt: if receipt-wide discount was changed/set and "Save" button is pressed an error (Cannot set receipt discount on referenced return - Setting 'Allow price editing for exchanges and referenced returns' is disabled.) will be shown.
      During exchange or return with receipt: discount buttons on the product view are now disabled for all products
    • Fixed an issue where on US accounts, the price would get applied twice when adding a product that has "Cashier must enter price" attribute
    • When applying "Total Discount" larger than what user is permitted to set, show a manager override
    • Fix for POS on-screen-keyboard triggering unexpected events
    • Fixed phone and mobile data for customer results not being displayed
    • Coupons are reset when creating or changing customers
    • Optimised browser printing
    • Fixed an issue where users were able to apply discounts to 0 priced products
  • POS Login
    • On Login, if user credentials have expired, prompt the user with an explanation of the error with a link to login.erply.com to change the password
    • Logout on inactivity no longer causes autoLogin to fail if the POS is closed/refreshed in a state when the timer is paused
    • Logout on inactivity condition "A non-default customer is selected" is no longer flipped
  • Return Modal Page:
    • Return Modal Page "Select all" checkbox correctly selects related products
    • Changed quantity amount to be a regular input instead of dropdown
  • Manager Override
    • Fixed a bug that caused manager override to be re-prompted when sale discount is applied
  • Sale Documents
    • Fixed issue with incorrect rounding on saved Orders
    • Fixed a bug that caused sale total and change to be calculated incorrectly if cash rounding is enabled
    • Fixed discrepancies in discounts on layaway pickup
    • Fixed an issue where Inventory transfer was not recorded when setting both return and discount reasons for products when making a return
  • Payments
    • Fixed a bug that caused partial order payment to be saved as full payment
    • Fix for POS proceeding to payment modal without waiting for calculations to finish. Now user is not allowed to add any products after clicking "pay" button
    • Fixed an issue where payments would sometimes not be pre-filled when initiating a return at high speed
    • Improvements for possible loopholes where during checking that collected payments cover the total payments can cause a partially unpaid sales document to be saved. In these cases where the total payments are not fulfilled POS will be blocked from saving the sales document and user will receive a warning message
    • Fix double-click prevention - prevents duplicate invoices from being created when paying for a picked up order
    • Present paid payments with their respective types on payment screen when picking up existing Order documents
    • Fixed issue with rounding cash payment on return
  • Payment Integrations
    • Card Payment processing UI now shows the exact messages coming from the terminal instead of hardcoded general warnings
    • PAX
      • show the transaction status error for when payment fails
      • Configured DeviceTimeout is now correctly used and respected when making requests from the POS
      • Configured DeviceTimeout is now correctly used and respected when making requests from the POS
    • Chase 
      • Fixed an issue where day would not close despite the closeBatch being successful
    • NETS
      • Further extended the pause between the payments so that the request reaches the terminal when it's not busy. Added a 2 second timeout between POS showing an error on failed payment and enabling retry/cancel buttons so that terminal is not busy when it receives new payments
      • Fixed issue where NETS wouldn't void the payments if actions cancelled from POS.
      • Fixed an issue where if user decided to still pay for the products after NETS card payments voiding failed, instead of processing the new payment, the paid card payment would start to get voided again.
    • CAYAN
      • Configured DeviceTimeout is now correctly used and respected when making requests from the POS
  • POS Version Control
    • Version control menu now uses new separate permissions - changePOSVersion. Until now, it used Configuration permission. The new permission is backwards compatible, meaning that no changes are required from the users, it will inherit the value of Configuration permission as a default value and can be changed based on the user's needs
  • Technical
    • Parameter "isCashInvoice=1" is now added to every Credit invoice done through POS
  • Plugins
    • W** Customisations
      • Customer Bubble's UI's alignment updated. More information has also been added (unused BB, email, D** membership info shows remaining days)
      • Customer Bubble's D** expiry's segment is coloured
    • MoMo payment
      • Fixed an issue where MoMo payment would not get prompted when Order document is finalised into an Invoice
    • Added new plugin: metrics-collector beta - it integrates the new metric collector MS with POS, allowing POS to uniquely identify the hardware machine for better configuration setup