POS Brazil Version 4.51.12

September 25, 2023



  • Added invoice balance information to available receipt data. Printout needs to be edited to show balance info


  • W** Customisations: 
    • Receipt footer text is now taken from the warehouse. If no footer is defined on the warehouse level, the footer from the configurations will be taken



  • Close Day Modal -Fix for counted field saved as 0 to Back Office, when the user fills out bill fields, but leaves counted field empty
  • Customer Display
    • Fixed issue where weighted products added to the POS Shopping cart display incorrect amount and price in the Customer Display Shopping cart
  • Fix for employee data failing to fetch silently. The POS now displays an error alert and provides a retry button in case employee data fetching fails. The employee fetching process runs in the background and its silent fail was causing an issue with Cash Drawers sporadically failing to open and loading alerts displayed for long amount of time.
  • Negative pending sales are removed from pending sales list after payment

Payment Integrations

  • Moneris: 
    • added merchant and cardholder receipt printouts. Printout happens based on the configuration in Wizard


  • W** Customisations:
    • Receipt printout - if tax has components, then only the components would be printed on the receipt