Configure allowed payment tenders in Brazil POS

June 26, 2024

In Brazil POS it is possible to configure allowed tenders for different types of transactions: sale, referenced and unreferenced returns.

Navigate to the POS Settings -> Payment Configuration

Find Allowed tenders on sale
Remove the check from the check box for a particular payment tender to disable it on a particular type of transaction. To enable check the box in front of a particular payment tender. 

To set the limit for a payment tender enter a numerical value into the empty field “Limit”. If the field is left blank, there are no limits applied.

Once tenders for sale are configured, proceed with Allowed tenders on return with receipt(referenced return) and Allowed tenders on return without the receipt (unreferenced return).

Note: For referenced returns (return with receipt), there is an option to allow only original tenders. For instance, if the initial invoice was paid in cash, then the returned tender can only be “cash”. This gets automatically pre-selected when processing a return. Read more about returns here

Press Save


Read more about minimum required rights for user groups to make a return: 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to activate the Afterpay or Zippay payment button? It appears to be disabled.

Afterpay and Zippay buttons are replacing the “surcharge/tip”, “check” or “store credit” payment buttons in POS. Therefore, these tender types must be allowed in order to use these payment solutions.