Single tab solution for Brazil POS
The Brazil POS is intended to be opened only in one browser tab per device (computer, phone, tablet, etc) and this is an important rule on how the Brazil POS should be used.
POS added a “multiple tabs detection” functionality as a way to prevent users from abusing the POS. The solution is a core feature and CANNOT be disabled.
The functionality is intended to protect the users from the number of sporadic issues that multiple POS tabs can cause, such as financial issues - missing or duplicating sales and payments, incorrect shopping cart items, and many other issues.
Important to know
The “multiple tabs detection” functionality was released with the 4.51.18 Brazil POS version.
We strongly recommend using POS starting from this particular version.
How does it work?
If you have already one POS tab opened in your browser and you are opening another tab next to the existing one the POS will block the second one.

Using multiple POS tabs may cause the following issues
- Missing Payments for a sale
- Payments linked to incorrect sale documents
- Sale data saved to the incorrect document
- Sale document data missing
- Payments are duplicated
- Sale documents are duplicated
- other unpredicted POS behavior
What happens internally when multiple POS tabs are opened and all are in use?
The POS uses some local persistent storage to track things like the logged in warehouse , current user, current sale items, processed payments, etc
Since local storage is shared between tabs, multiple instances of the POS could end up modifying each other´s data.
“I use multiple POS tabs as part of my business flow. What should I do?"
If using multiple POS tabs at the same time is part of some business workflow, please, reach out to us and inform us about the problem that this workflow solves. Chances are that POS already has a native way to solve this problem and we will be happy to help you learn more about the POS. If such a solution does not exist yet, we can analyze and discuss the next steps together.