The self-service checkout is located at or download the Self-service checkout launcher HERE
Unzip the downloaded file on your computer and create a shortcut for more convenient access to the self-service checkout. To use the self-service checkout, contact customer support at
We recommend creating a completely separate user and checkout for the self-service checkout, to better monitor sales statistics etc.
Setting up a self-service checkout
For setup, it is necessary to download the Ground Control application from the Erply App Store

Click on Open and select “select-checkout-page”

From there “Edit”

In the opened window, you can set the version and languages for the self-service checkout. If English and Estonian are used, for example: en,et

Next settings:
Transaction Product Line Limit- by default the maximum number of product lines is 50, if you need more lines, you can set it here.
Transaction MOP Limit - limit of different payment methods per transaction (split payment)
Gift Card Item Code - gift card item code
Gift Card Activation Limit - gift card activation limit, does not allow adding more gift cards to the transaction
Transaction Timeout - transaction timeout time in seconds
EFT - if you use Swedbank's payment terminal, write here swedbankIngenico
Bag Item Code - the product code of the shopping bag, if you want the quick selection button for the shopping bag at checkout
Unknown Item Code - Product code that is used when the product is not found in the database
Price Decimals - Number of decimal places
Cash In Limit - Cash deposit limit
Cash Out Limit - Cash payout limit

ODS - Local product database (offline-product-database micro-service). Need to set the url where (default: http://localhost:7779) This is intended for use with a large number of products (more than 100,000).

Setting the welcome text and transaction completion text

In the following window, set the following options if desired:
Show Printing Dialog - Show the printing dialog
Show No Receipt Button - Show the "No receipt" button
Print Receipt On Timeout - Receipt window timeout in seconds
Mixed Transaction - Allow sales and returns in the same transaction
Display Net Prices - Show net prices
Send Sentry Logs - Turn on sending logs (not necessary in most cases)
Add Bag Prompt - Pop-up for adding a shopping bag (it is also necessary to set "Bag Item Code")

Setting up the payment terminal
First you have to write Additional information in the EFT field swedbankIngenico

Since swedbankIngenico needs additional parameters, they have to be configured from another place. Go to Settings -> Configuration Admin -> App Configuration (the latter should be selected automatically)

Select self_checkout_pos from the list and press + ADD NEW CONFIGURATION on the next page

After installation, check that the device is in the same network and also check IPTerminal gets the IP like this: enter the password of the day (slowly) and press the green
1-HW conf.
See the IP here:
This value needs to be written in the deviceIp field in the microservice configuration.
Logging in to the Self-service checkout
To log in to the self-service checkout, select in your browser
Add a shortcut to the screen for convenient entry into the self-service checkout.
Enter customer code, username and password.

Then the day's opening window opens. If you don't want to use cash payments at all, start the day with 0 euros.

The administrator's menu in the self-service checkout
The employee has the opportunity to change some settings at the checkout. To enter the administrator's menu, it is necessary to first assign a PIN code to the employee on the Erplys user card.
Possible settings/options:
- Add product - you can search for a product only by code or by scanning. Product search by name is available in the customer view.
- Save sale - using this, the sale remains saved but unconfirmed and can be confirmed later in Erply. Sales recorded but not confirmed at the end of the day are automatically cancelled.
- Checkout in/out - used only if cash sales are allowed at the self-service checkout. Requires reason codes set up in accounting software.
- Return - the shopping cart view opens, where you can select the product to be returned. NB the quantities in the shopping cart are automatically minus. It is necessary to select a reason code. A credit note will be created. There is no need to have a base invoice when returning goods through the self-service checkout.
- Recent sales - here you can see the latest deals. From there you can print a purchase receipt, send it to an email or print out a gift voucher.
- Cash drawer - the possibility to open the cash drawer (if it is available for cash transactions)
- Change quick options - you can change their order and position by dragging the buttons. The cross in the corner of the button removes the product from the self-service checkout selection.
- Customize the user interface - see below
- Log out - logs out and closes the current session
- X-report - X-report is displayed on the screen
- Close day - A confirmation window opens to close the day. Pressing the "Confirm" button closes the cash register and displays the x-report on the screen. If cash sales at the checkout are not allowed, then the expected cash amount is not displayed either

Edit UI has the following subsections:
Company Setup:
- Colors: Can change the color displayed in the header.
- Home screen: you can add a home screen image and welcome text, also in Russian and English, if desired.
- Fonts: This is where you set the size of the text on the hotkeys.
- Status bar steps: can be shown or hidden in the "scan-pay-done" header

Checkout setting:
- Payment methods: you can choose the payment methods used in the self-service checkout.
- Shopping bag: A product card must be created for the shopping bag in Erply beforehand. To display at the self-service checkout, enter the product code and add a checkmark to display the shopping bag in the customer panel. Save.
- Printing: option to choose whether the receipt printing is enabled by default or not.

Customers can move on the touch screen as they wish, and in the left corner it is possible to change the language if desired. Products can be entered into the shopping cart with a barcode reader, searched by product code or using the quick selection buttons.
When all the required products have been added to the shopping cart, the customer proceeds to pay. The possible payment methods depend on how the checkout is set up. If only card payment is allowed, then only card payment is also available. Cash payments are possible only with the help of the employee. This means that the customer selects "Cash" and the employee must go to the self-service cash register, log in with his code, take money from the customer and complete the transaction.
After making the payment, the customer has the option to choose whether to send the receipt to an email, print it or refuse it altogether. If the customer does not choose anything and leaves the self-service cash register first, a timer with the set time will appear on the screen, and when it reaches 0, the self-service cash register page will be displayed on the screen again.