POS Brazil Version 4.51.21

January 2, 2024



  • Duplicate tab alert now includes a link to a wiki article that explains the reasoning in more depth


Payment Integrations

  • Cayan
    • Fixed an issue where if a payment is selected after adding Cayan tip payments and then 100% card payment was added, it would override one of the tip payments

Sale Documents

  • Fixed an issue where the configured Campaigns would not get re-fetched if the user experienced a network issue when logging in. This issue caused a problem with saving a sale
  • Orders
    • When picking up an Order, check for logged in user's rights to edit confirmed orders. If those rights are missing - disable discount field, discount buttons and price field
    • Fixed an issue where user couldn't change the manual discount value when picking up an Order
    • Fixed an issue where manual discount was incorrectly set when picking up a document that had manual discount applied, which resulted in new discount being applied against the discounted price and not the original price


  • Fixed an issue where the user could not print a coupon from Recent Sales menu, after a sale with applied coupon rule was made

Cash Drawer Button

  • Show more accurate messages in case of MS/Wrapper failure
  • Allow opening cash drawer only if printing with MS or Wrapper is enabled. If not, then show an alert

Mobile Wrapper Applications

  • Fixed an issue where modal pages would not open correctly on mobile wrapper applications


  • Customer Display plugin
    • Added the ability to show smaller promotions on the customer display. This requires configuration in the Customer Display plugin