Shift4 payment integration with Brazil POS

April 30, 2024

Shift4 integration setup guide

The Shift4 integration with Erply Brazil POS can be used only with Windows (starting from the 10th version).

It does not require any microservice installation.

Shift4 setup on the register machine

This part of the setup is handled by Shift4 technicians. Please contact them to schedule the full installation.

Once the Shift4 service setup is finished it is time to proceed with a POS setup.

Configure in the POS

Log in to the

Go to POS Settings → Payment configuration -> Setup Payment gateways

Select ‘shift4’ as the integration.

Fill out all the fields:

  • UTG endpoint (should be provided by Shift4)
  • Auth token (note: auth token can only be used once, if the generated access token is lost a new auth token is required!)
  • Press ‘Exchange'
    • After a moment, the access token should appear below the field and the configuration should autosave
  • Terminal id (can be checked in the UTG app -> Devices -> select device -> click 'View' button -> API terminal id)
  • Time zone

If you like to print the merchant receipts please tick the ‘Print merchant receipt’ check box.

Click Save.

Make a test payment

Add any  product and click Pay.

The POS payment modal is opened:

Click the green check mark(F8).

The payment is processing:

In order to cancel the transaction, the customer should press the red cross button on the terminal. Afterwards the following message will be displayed:

Then a cashier needs to click on the red button in the payment modal ‘Confirm transaction failed’ (displayed on the screenshot above).


Terminal not connecting

Ensure the IP is correct. Get the IP from the terminal by pressing “0” four times and scrolling down. Compare the IP address from terminal with the entered Address in the UTG app -> Tune Up -> Devices -> select device -> click 'View' button -> Address

Ensure the port is entered in decimal.

Open the UTG app -> Tune Up -> Devices -> select device -> click 'View' button -> Port (it should show the hex value next to the input field). The UTG will not show an error if the user enters hex instead, but the terminal connection will fail.

When the port is entered correctly, it should show 2EE0 on the side.

Access token exchange fails with certificate errors

Ensure the UTG application is running

Ensure the certificate matches the endpoint. The certificate should have '' set as a common name (SAN / DNS). In the POS, the endpoint should be configured to use that domain name and not a direct IP.