Delete Erply account from Brazil POS

May 21, 2024

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Please take this functionality seriously!

This will permanently delete all the data on your account (whole Erply account, not the user), including the whole customer list and product catalog, all receipts and sales orders.


Brazil POS users with administrator user rights are able to delete the whole Erply account from POS. 

Required user rights to be able to delete the whole Erply account:

  • Access to the Configuration modal
  • User right to manage user groups

In order to delete the account from Brazil POS click on the User’s name in the upper right corner then you will see the ‘Delete account’ button:

Note: if some of the mentioned above rights are missing the ‘Delete button’ will not be visible at all.

Once the ‘Delete account’ button is clicked there will be a popup to make sure you really want to delete your account. Here you need to enter your password from the Erply account to confirm account deletion:

If you are 100% sure you want to permanently delete your Erply account click ‘Confirm’

If the entered password is wrong the system will show a red error of “Provided token key is invalid”.

If password is correct the POS will ask you to enter your client code to finalize the account deletion process:

If the client code was entered incorrectly there will be no button to confirm the deletion and you can still edit the field.

If the entered client code is correct there will be a button “I understand, delete my account”This is the last confirmation step to delete your account! Once it is clicked your Erply account is deleted forever.

The POS system shows the confirmation about a successful account deletion:

You can close this popup by clicking on the cross or to the ‘Return to sign up page’. Then you will be automatically logged out and the account will be deleted.

If you try to login back with your Erply credentials the system will show an error message “Account has been deleted”.