How to reprint a copy of the Payment Receipt?(Nets Finland)

August 26, 2024

The functionality is available starting from Brazil POS version 4.51.40.

Payment Integration supported:

Make sure the terminal is connected and configured. Currently implemented only for NETS payment integration

Create a sale and pay with a card in the terminal. When payment is done successfully the payment receipt is printed out or a popup window appears for confirmation to print the receipt. This depends on how the payment terminal is configured. 
Click OK to print the receipt or Cancel the printing.

Navigate to the Recent Sales and find the previously created sale. 
Click on the credit card icon to reprint the Payment Receipt.

Customer Receipt is printed out after clicking on the icon. Customer Receipt reprint has a COPY line in the header, other details are exactly the same as they appeared on the first customer copy. 

Error message in case the Integration does not support Payment Receipt reprint:

“Payment Receipt is not yet supported for the Payment Integration used for this sale”

Note that only the receipt that was received at the moment of the payment can be reprinted. Example: If only Customer copy was received from the provider, then only Customer copy can be reprinted from Recent Sales.