Gift Card Import

December 29, 2022

Benefits of the gift cards import tool

Upload thousands of records

Maintain accurate, up-to-date gift card records with minimum effort. Choose your import file, map your data, and begin importing. The gift card import tool can be used to import 10,000 gift card data entries without disrupting back office processes. 

A flexible upload process

Because Erply allows you to upload your own files, you can easily choose between updating all gift cards, or simply making changes to smaller gift card segments. Upload templates are flexible, allowing you to freely map your data regardless of column order. The giftcard import tool accepts .xlsx and .csv files.

How to Use the New Gift Card Import Tool

Check out our gift card import template.

Start a gift card import

Back Office > Retail Chain > Import gift cards

Gift cards can be imported in the back office as a .xlsx or a .csv file. In order for your data to upload properly, you must select if you have a header row.


Header Row






Click Upload and Start Mapping to begin your giftcard import.

Mapping your gift card data

Erply may predict where each data column should be mapped. Blank fields will need to be manually mapped.

Double-check that all data columns pre-filled by Erply are correctly mapped. If you need to change where a column is mapped, click the column’s header.

Select Confirm Mapping to finalize your data mapping.

Updating existing gift card data

Gift card codes in Erply are always unique, which means the gift card import tool can be used to update all gift cards in bulk. Any gift card with an existing code can be updated using the import tool. 

Frequently asked questions

Why isn’t my file importing?

The two most common import errors are improper formatting or bad data. 

Be sure to check over your data for blank columns and ensure that all columns are mapped correctly.

If a .xlsx file will not work, try uploading the file as a .csv instead. This will strip away any formatting that Erply’s giftcard importer tool may be unable to read.

Is there a maximum amount of data I can import?

Erply’s gift card import tool can handle approximately 10,000 records within an hour. While we do not have a dedicated upper limit, larger files have more potential for error and can tie up your API calls for longer periods of time.

We recommend larger imports should be started after hours, to allow ample time for the upload to complete.

What is the best way to match data when updating gift cards?

The gift cards can be updated when setting the gift card code to an existing one. The gift card codes are unique in Erply.