API Version 1.41.0

July 14, 2021

February 11, 2020

New Features

  1. New API call getIdentityToken has been added.

    This is part of the Identity integration project. For background information and for cases in which this API call may be useful, please see the developer guide "Session Keys and JSON Web Tokens".

  2. New promotion feature: field "maximumNumberOfMatchingItems" has been added to API calls getCampaigns and saveCampaign.

    This parameter allows to set an upper limit to the number of discounted items in promotion "Buy at least 5 of these products and get $ or % off of each".

  3. New promotion feature: field "excludePromotionItemsFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase" has been added to API calls getCampaigns and saveCampaign.

    This flag can be set to promotions "% off the whole transaction". Setting the flag means that the discount will not apply to any items that triggered or were discounted by a "Buy and Get" promotion.

    A "Buy and Get" promotion is any promotion where customer must purchase certain items, and will then get a discount on some other items. If there additionally is a "% off everything" promotion active at the same time, then applying the flag to that promotion ensures that it will discount neither any of the "Buy" items nor any of the "Get" items.

    In contrast, if you only want to avoid applying a discount percentage to the "Get" items, there is a flag for that, too. In back office, this check box is titled:

    Except lines to which a manual discount or any other price list or promotion discount has already applied

    And in API, the respective field is "excludeDiscountedFromPercentageOffEntirePurchase".

  4. New API call updateProductModificationTimestamp has been added.

  5. French and Dutch will be enabled on new Belgian accounts along with English.

  6. Filtering (lookup) parameter "GLN" added to API call getCustomers.


  1. On Finnish accounts, new customers created with API will now have the "E-invoice" channel selected by default.

  2. API call saveConfParameter no longer allows to submit a configuration parameter name that contains single or double quotes. This is to avoid user errors.


  1. Fixed: input parameter rounding in API call savePurchaseDocument did not work (did not change the document's rounding amount).

  2. Fixed: API now allows only one Inventory Registration and one Inventory Write-Off to be created from each physical stocktaking. (API calls saveInventoryRegistration and saveInventoryWriteOff validate input parameter "stocktakingID".

  3. Fixed: API call getUserRights reported that a group does not have certain permissions that it actually had.