Benefits of the notes button
Keep track of important sales information
Sales notes improve order transparency to improve customer loyalty.
Use external sales notes to indicate important order details, such as:
Additional information regarding the order
Payment information
Sales or promotional info applied to the sale
Knowledge sharing across your entire business
Internal sales notes help you maintain a CRM with important customer sales information. Any Erply user with proper user rights can view and edit sales notes from any POS station.
Internal sales notes can be used to record information such as:
Detailed order information
Customer sentiment
Identify potential future upsell opportunities
How to use the notes button
Press the light blue Notes option button on the POS screen:

Notes can be linked to a sale in two different ways. Erply gives you two options for recording notes on a sale:
Receipt notes: This field will print notes at the bottom of the receipt. Use this section to give extra information to a customer upon request
Internal notes: This piece saves notes that are only visible to employees. Internal notes as well as receipt notes can be checked in the Back Office in the document information: