Employee Info

March 20, 2024

Employee stats at the POS

Benefits of hours at work stats

Shift information at a glance
Employees can easily see how long they’ve worked to ensure they don’t exceed or fall short of their weekly work hours. Hours worked can be viewed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. 

Sales stats at the POS
Employee stats let you and your workers know how much they sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This helpful for stores that keep track of individual employee commission. 

Customizable POS UI
Prefer a minimalistic POS screen? The hours at work section can be turned on or off of any register from the POS settings. 

Hiding hours at work from the POS

Go to the POS setting -> Configuration.
Locate hide employee stats under the Visual section.
Check the box to hide hours at work at the POS screen.
Uncheck the box to show hours at work at the POS screen.

Hiding employees not assigned to the location

The Brazil POS allows users to decide if the POS should show employees from other locations or not. 
When the configuration is enabled the user will be able to see the only employees who are assigned to the current location. It is more clear and the user should not search and think who is working in this store who is not.

Go to the POS Settings -> Configuration.
Find the Hide employees that are not assigned to the current location under the General section.
Tick the checkbox to enable it!

This setting filters employees the following places:

  • Employees list in the POS Settings -> Employees
  • The list of employees in the Clock In/Out modal
  • While assigning product/sale commissions

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does hide employee stats affect all registers?
No, checking and unchecking the hide employee stats button will only affect that specific register.