Minimum rights required to add new employees

February 16, 2022

If your business has many different teams, it’s likely that there’s more than one person in charge of making new hires.
We’ll explain how to give your employees access to add new workers to their specific department.
This guide covers:
Minimum user group settings required to add new employees
How to make a user group with minimum rights to add new employees
How to add a user into a user group, and how to grant them access to a specific store location.

Please note: granting an employee access to create new employees within a specific user group can only be  granted at a user-group level, not an employee-level. We recommend following this guide to create a “manager” group for each department in your business.
You may also want to view our guides on adding an employee and creating a user.

Minimum user group settings required to add new employees

Below are the minimum user group settings required to add new employees:
Save the settings page to add an additional settings panel to the bottom of the page, “Users in this group may edit and create new section: (Only accessible after saving)”
All settings should be left blank or unchecked, except for the following:
This user group can access section:

Back office: Checked off
Main Modules section:
Employees View: All Add: Checked off Edit: Added by myself
Settings section:
Users Checked off

Users in this group may edit and create new section: (Only accessible after saving)
Check off any user group that employees within this user group should have access to add.

Create a user group with rights to add new employees

First, you must make a new User Group where your minimum rights employees will be placed.
In the back office, navigate to the Settings module and select User groups.
Click New to create a new user group.
From here, you can name the user group and define its levels of access. Ensure Erply back office is checked off.
If needed, you can define additional user rights for specific back office actions in the Main Module section as noted above. Save your user group when you’re done.

Granting employees rights to add new employees

Click the Settings module and select Users.
Click on the user that you want to grant access to add new employees. Find the User groups field and select your newly created user group.
Scroll down to the User information section. Be sure to check off boxes next to every store location you’d like the employee to have access to confirm inventory for.
Press the Save button to save these changes.