Add a new store location

September 29, 2023

This step will enable you to make locations that are accessible at the POS for sales. Navigate to the Retail chain module and select Locations.

Erply will display a list of all locations. You can click on a location to edit it, or click New to add a new location.

Name your location so you ad your employees can easily identify it, and add other contact information. 

When you click the “Address” field, a dropdown bar will appear with all addresses added to your “company information.” If the correct address does not appear, please repeat the steps listed in the “Configure main company address” section above.

Scroll down to the section titled The following users will get access to new location. Check off all users that you want to have access to this location at the POS.

If a user is unchecked, they will not be able to open this location or make sales at the POS.  

Save when you are done.