Back Office receipt footer supported in PatchScript
Back Office receipt announcement/message supported in PatchScript
Patchscript prices are rounded to 2 decimals
collects more data (100 → 300 breadcrumbs, stack traces, response bodies)
saves username, clientcode, company email in Sentry user field
New setting 'allow_fallback_to_external_integration' in payment configuration
If this setting is enabled, then shows a button to toggle any payment to be processed with the external integration (similar to already existing feature with triPOS + touchpos_require_card_type_on_external_payment)
↑ Slightly improved styling of button to toggle payment integration
Some Account Sales related translations removed
Removed option to toggle Account sales on/off (always enabled)
Added confirmation on pressing Enter key for
CFJC popup
Removed email from POS (login) header
Removed "help" from POS (login) header
Cash rounding now applies to payments instead of totals
Removed svipebox setting
Weights also display 0.00 wgt
Custom payment setup menu allows no custom payments and no longer depends on external pmnts
POS now always fetches non stock products
P** Receipt:
Fixed number formatting messing up all the numbers
Support US-formatted numbers (numbers with decimal and thousandths' separators)
Plugin headers
No longer conflict with each other
Manager override
Last change
Have icons
Manager override
Customer display (green if configured, red if not)
Have help text when mouse is hovered (all say what plugin the icon is from)
Manager override
Customer display (Also says whether the channel is configured or not)
Last change (Full sentence to explain the number)
Last change plugin font size reduced, only show number, use currency format (explanatory text if hovered with mouse)
Custom Receipt unable to print fix (text to template literal)
Zam*** plugin no longer throws an error if its getStatus cannot find a rate=0 vatRate
Errors from Plugins' getStatus selectors are now caught and reported to sentry silently
CustomerDisplay: Send timestamps to ignore out-of-order messages
ChaseRequest updated to be a function
Configuration "get orders only from current location" now works as intended
Pass down gift card type ID with giftCard payments
Creating a product from POS on top level now saves product to Default Group
Fixed issues with non discountable products
Address input section in customer edit form no longer crashes the POS
Sentry - reload button works after crashing POS
TriPos micro-service is now configurable from POS
Override buttons for wrapper integration if cancel now works
Product order edit view now opens when product price is 0
Conf setting "cash in/out & cash sale open drawer" no longer flipped for drawer opening (previously would open drawer for cash sales only if the setting was OFF)
Error with patchscript that should have prevented any receipts from printing properly & Removed duplicate print when browser print selected (previously tried to print both patchscript as well as BO format, now only prints patchscript)
Fixed issue with incorrect double VAT calculation on referenced returns
Corrected autogenerated payments logic in Payment component for referenced returns. When user starts a referenced return and adds new products to the shopping cart the enlisted payments were not making sense
InputField now has an onSubmit prop to easily catch when Enter is pressed
Patchscript now uses price without VAT if US account