Quotes / Offers

July 1, 2024

The quote does not book products, does not move goods, or generate turnover - it is an offer. The quote will be sent to the customer after preparation and will be confirmed after receiving confirmation from the customer.

New quotes can be created in Sales → Create a Quote.

The quote window will open up. Required fields for creating a quote are Customer and Location, the rest of the information enter as needed.

To add products to a quote, type in a name/code to start a search or enter the product. To see the full range of products → click on the magnifying glass → select the desired products.
When all the products have been added, press Save and Confirm. The quote has been prepared, is in the Quotes module and is ready for further use.

Some extra possibilities:
Lay-by - With the offer it is possible to book goods by checking the Lay-by box. In this case, the products are reserved so that they are not available for sale in stock.

Lay-by until - Here you can specify how long the given goods will be kept in the lay-by. Once this deadline has passed, the goods will be released.

Price list - It is possible to add a price list to the offer, according to which the system will charge the prices of the product.

Quote Deadline - The length of time this quote is valid. To set up a Default payment deadline, please see the section below.

Under quotes, you can filter by status which orders you want to see in more detail at the moment. To do this, there is a Status option at the top left.

Setting up the Default payment deadline:

To set up the “Default payment deadline” you can go to Settings

Find the sub-topic “General”

Choose “Configuration”

Find the section named “Invoices and sales”

Enter the desired date of payment (Days) in the field “DFLT Payment Deadline”

Press Save

Create an offer at the POS

Perform a few easy steps to have an offer created straightaway the POS.

Select a customer.

Add products to the shopping cart.

Apply any discounts or manual promotion.

Click on the Save as Offer button.

The offer was successfully saved and appears in the Offers list at the POS.

In the Back Office the newly created offer can be found under the Sales → Quotes. The new quote was created with status “ready” and payment status “unpaid”

Pay for an offer at the POS

Navigate to the POS Offers list and select an offer.

Products that were included in the offer appear in the shopping cart.

Click on the Pay button to process the sale and apply payments (Note: the quote can be paid only in full).

Confirm applied payments if they were successful.

Once the quote is paid the offer will disappear from the Offers list at the POS.

In the Back Office the quote that was previously fully paid and finalized would remain the same as it was created, but the new cash invoice receipt would be created and linked to this quote.

Other possibilities

The created offer can be saved also as a sale, order, layaway, waybill and invoice-waybill.