Bigger images in Product order View. Product view image now has optional image navigation under the currently previewed picture - it is minimized by default. The user can expand it by clicking a link button and go to the desired image from the navigator. Also, the user is now able to open the currently viewed image in a popup window. Using the left and right arrow keys the selected image can be changed.
uiSetting: 'hideProductCommission' prevents assigning commission to products on sale
Scales use single websocket connection for lifetime of input/popup, as opposed to a new connection each second
Scales now get updates from websocket connection
New plugin hook: getTranslationOverride
InputField now supports type=file
New property in shoppingCart reducer - "calculateOffline" - boolean (true - POS should calculate offline and ignore calculated values) When POS loses connection to API during shopping cart processing, it no longer uses the preciously calculated values, and uses its own calculations.
coreCharge (Tax free return on products) now has priority over exchange plugin in terms of vatrate
customTranslations: New plugin
Plugin fixes
CAFees unreferenced return error
POS data (such as vatRate) now correctly read from API, not stuck to old values from localStorage
Brazil POS offline mode now calculates total correctly, it used to add tax to item price with VAT already included
pos_timeout invalid values cause no timeout, not instant timeout
settings/Configuration useEffect loop maybe fixed (was not able to reproduce)
Wrapper debug buttons moved from 467404 to 467402
'failed to save JSON API' message for non-returns
Crash in settings → printing → goMS when the user has no preexisting configuration