Product Picture Import

January 31, 2023

There are currently two ways to import product pictures to Pictures in Erply CDN. This module is connected to Erply's WooCommerce integration and the new PIM. 

Product Picture Uploader

To get to this module, navigate to PIM -> Manage Product Catalog -> Bulk Upload.
This module allows users to upload pictures to Erply, but they have to be mapped to products afterwards.

Product Importer

PIM -> Product Images Import

This module allows mass product picture import using excel file.
The file has following requirements:

  • CSV and UTF-8
  • no header/titles row
  • column 1 is product ID, column 2 is the image link
  • supported photo file types are JPG and PNG

In order to import 2 or more images to your product, simply add multiple rows for the same product ID.

If you have created an import file, download it to the importer, click Create, and confirm the import.