POS Brazil Version 4.51.40

August 7, 2024



  • POS listens for Server Side Events sent from GoErp Server Side Events.  At the moment there is support for Register level channels, allowing the sender to send separate message to any individual Register.
  • Exposing API for GOERP applications (POS QR CRM App). At the moment the POS allows exernal applications to search for a customer by email / send customer data to POS to create a new customer.


  • POS delegates the data fetching for receipts to the Printing MS

Wrapper Communication

  • POS provides Client Code, Version and Software Name ('Erply Brazil POS') in all the messages sent to the Wrapper via the Messaging Channel.
    The same data is also included in the `wrapperData` property attached to the global window object.

POS Settings

  • Removed 'Sell Only Matrix Products That Are in Stock' setting - use 'Display product out of stock warning' setting instead


  • POS Brazil now has an automatic logging functionality that can be enabled from POS Settings. The feature allows the collection of POS and MS logs to the Cloud, without the need for the customers to download and forward logs to our support managers. Read more about it in this article.



Payment Integrations

  • Cayan
    • POS now predicts the next invoice number and sends it the payment terminal instead of a hardcoded number.
      NB! The sent invoice number is not guaranteed to match the invoice number of the sale document because when payments are being processed the sale document does not exist yet.
    • Failed transactions now displays a user friendly message about the issue and a more detailed technical information that allows a deeper investigation of the problem
  • Wrapper Payments
    • Added merchant and cardholder receipt printing functionality to Wrapper Payment Integration
  • Verifone
    • Fixed a bug that caused POS to initiate refund on the payment terminal when processing referenced exchange with positive total

Open/Close Day

  • "Counted" field is no longer auto-filled with bill amounts. When closing the day, if "counted" is not entered manually, POS would use the total from the bill amount. If the no bills inputs are entered, but "counted" amount is, the manually entered value would be used for the day closing. If both are entered, but they mismatch (1x 100$ bill added, but "counted" is set to 50) an error would be shown, requesting the user to check the entered values.
  • Open day inputs now show symbol of selected currency, rather than account default

Customer Display

  • Fixed an issue where "Open customer display app" button was doing nothing.
  • Added ability to configure TIP product - Wiki Article about Tip collection
    Tip product has 2 ways of being added from the display - either as a certain percentage, which will always be recalculated in cart based on the cart total, or as a certain number.
    Both the Tip and Donation product searches in the Customer Display plugin configuration page have a previously missing "Is Tax free" check.
    On clicking the green monitor icon in the POS header, all the buttons now have texts below them to better explain what they are supposed to do.

Manager Override

  • Manager's are no longer able to authorize Manager Override Popups, if they do not have access to current location.

Returning Sales

  • Prevent double-clicks in the start return screen from adding duplicate products to cart & show an alert while the return is being processed

Account Sales

  • Users marked as “sales for cash only” cannot get Account Sales on their names