Csv Import Products Pictures

January 17, 2024

This article refers to a legacy Back-Office plugin.
Erply now offers a native Product Image Importer.

The Import Picture Links plugin is used to add product picture URLs to your account in bulk.

Please note that the Import Picture Links plugin cannot update existing product picture links. It can only add new picture links to products.

Contact support@erply.com and ask them to add the Import Picture Links plugin

Formatting and uploading a product photo import

You can also view this demo video on how to import new photo links:

In the back office, navigate to the PIM module and select Import picture links

You can upload a .CSV file with product photo URLs. Your spreadsheet will only need 2 columns:

Code: The product code of the item that you would like to upload a photo for. This matches the item’s “Code” field on the product card.

Image URL: The URL, or link, of the photo that you would like to add to a product.

Please note that A semicolon “;” must be used as a separator. 

Save your spreadsheet as a .csv and upload it to a file sharing site, like Dropbox.

On the file sharing tool, copy the file’s URL. We’ll paste that URL in the Erply picture links importer.

Please note: You may need to remove part of the URL that is specific to the tool.

In the below example, we remove “?dl=0” from the Dropbox URL.

At the front of the URL, remove the “www” and replace it with the “dl” 

Import the file.

To ensure your photos properly imported, click on a product that you added picture links to and click on the Product pictures tab.

Your image will display in the size that it was uploaded.