POS Brazil Version 4.47.0

June 16, 2022


  • Customer display plugin
    • Texts in config can now be unset to make them use the default values. The default values now update to match the POS language if translations for that language exist
  • W** customisations
    • New configuration for custom tenders
    • Removed ‘Birthday’ column from advanced search results


  • Card and gift card tenders in close day view are now sorted alphabetically
  • Cancelling a layaway now changes the status of the original document instead of creating a separate credit invoice
  • Default template for gift receipt now matches default template for sale (except for prices of course). Among other missing features this also fixes the default template not having the logo on it
  • Cancelling layaways no longer requires items to be in the shopping cart
  • ‘Test connection’ buttons in payment configuration now prompt to save the config first if it is not saved. 
  • In clock in screen of the login view, the keyboard shortcut ENTER now behaves correctly (previously would do a regular sign in)
  • Multiple fixes to end-of-day tenders' default counted values
    • Exclude amounts counted at the start of the day (affects CASH)
    • Differentiate between tenders CASH, CARD-(typeless card) and GIFTCARD- (typeless giftcard). Prevents all of them from using the same expected amount from CASH
    • Fixed an off-by-one-cent error caused by the IEEE floating point representation being truncated to two decimal places by the input field's validation

New features:

  • Logout on inactivity setting now has detailed configuration for what kind of logout to perform and what should count as activity
Logout on inactivity configuration
  • New data point totalItemsSold for sales receipt templates which contains the total quantity of all the items on the receipt