Performance Optimisation
- Skip calculation when the shopping cart is emptied (last product removed)
- POS no longer provides realtime updates while editing product quantities. Instead, cart will recalculate once the field is blurred (click away), submitted (enter), or when proceeding to save (F2)
- POS will not attempt to fetch the receipt image if none is configured
- POS no longer recalculates cart on quantity submit/unfocus unless the quantity is actually changed
(previously, if setting "Allow fractional product quantities" was enabled it would recalculate every time)
Product View
- Fixed a bug that caused default product prices to be displayed when viewing related products instead of price list prices
- Fxed a bug that caused switching between retail and grid views to break product group buttons in grid view
Sale Documents
- “New sales order does not reserve goods by default” setting is now supported if an order is created based on a pending sale
- Fixed an issue where on cancelling an Order with an active cart, the Order's product list would get overridden by the active cart
- POS now reduces the sale commissions from employees, after the product they sold has been returned
- Sale Discount component no longer allows POS Users without Discount permissions to set discount for the whole sale