Change Bill To address on purchase documents

May 2, 2023

This can be used to change the Bill To address on sales documents including Purchase Invoices, Purchase Orders, using Actual Reports document creator.

We cover the following processes:

How to add a new Bill To address


Automatically populate shipping address

Printing/sending a sales document with a new Bill To address

For detailed information on how to use Actual Reports and manipulate data fields, be sure to check out our Actual Reports guide.

How to add a new Bill To address

In the back office, open the document that you want to change the Bill To address.

Click the Print/email button on the bottom menu bar.

Click the dropdown bar under the Custom printouts section. Erply will populate a list of all existing document templates.

Click on the document template that you want to add a new Bill To address to and click Edit template.

We do NOT recommend making changes to this document. Instead, click the File button and press Make a copy to duplicate this template.

Rename your template and press Copy. In this example, we’re creating a new PO template for a specific retail location.

There are two ways add a new Bill To address:

Manually write in new address

Automatically populate shipping address

We recommending reading our Actual Reports guide for basic Actual Reports navigation tips.

Manually write in a new address

Add a Text box to the document to write in a new Bill To address.
An example of what you might write:


Bill to:

Your Store Name

500 First Ave (put your Address Line 1 here)

Suite 3 (put your Address Line 2 here)

New York, NY 10020 (put your City, State, and Zip code here)

Press File and Save when you are done.

Automatically populate shipping address

We recommend doing this if your Shipping address may change in the future. This will prevent you from having to manually edit this template in the future. 

Add a Text box to the document to write in a new Bill To address.

Enter the following lines into the text box:


{shipToAddressStreetAndBuilding} {shipToAddressAddressLine2}

{shipToAddressPostalCode} {shipToAddressTownOrCity}


These will automatically populate the same Address values as your location’s defined Shipping address.

You may also press the Insert Data field button to add additional data fields if you need

Press File and Save when you are done.

Printing/sending a sales document with a new Bill To address

Your newly saved template will not automatically print or send, you need  to select it.

Open up your purchase document again and click the Print/email button on the bottom menu bar.

Click the dropdown bar under the Custom printouts section and scroll all the way to the bottom. Press Refresh list

Your newly created template will populate in the list.

Press Print to download or print the new template. Please be advised that you must press Print under the Custom Printouts section, NOT the standard printouts section.

If you need to save the new template as a PDF, you can Print the new template. Click the Download button in your browser’s print window, and select PDF as the file type.